The Best WordPress Blogs for Beginners, Learners and Experts

The EasyWP blog joins a lively community of high-quality blogs covering WordPress. Here they are. Take a deep dive into all things WordPress related.
While we’re still starting out and don’t have much content… or all the important things covered, you may want to check out these established publications.
Are they truly the “best”? Who decides? You! They are certainly among the most popular! Some have been around for many many years.
They are still here because they have worked well, apparently due to popular demand. The visitors always decide what works by simply visiting it.
Is This a Complete List of the Best WordPress Blogs?
Here are blogs that cover mostly WordPress or some aspect of it – think themes, coding or security. Many of these blogs are mainly written for experts, others can be understood by simple bloggers as well. Are you still learning the ins and outs of WordPress? You will find useful topics on all of them.
This list is by no means complete. It’s just the best of those that come to mind quickly. The day has only 24h so even while researching our content you can’t study all of the existing blogs or even many more than this list covers.
These WordPress blogs offer enough news, insights, and resources for years of reading, testing and improving your skills.
Do you think your favorite blog dealing with WordPress needs to be added? Please notify us in the comments below the article!

The WPBeginner name and the tagline may seem self-evident. It’s not just a blog for beginners though! Indeed all levels of WordPress users can find some insights here. In other words
you will probably look up and read WPBeginner from beginning to an open end. Never mind the name.
Even as an expert you can learn new things here. Also, it’s a great place to link to when you need a handy explanation for something you may take for granted as an advanced WordPress user.
One of such evergreen resources for all levels of expertise is the list of proven ways to make money with WordPress. Let it inspire you now and in the future.
WP Tavern

With WP Tavern you don’t only get the latest news but also timeless insights and lessons. Often they combine both so that you can learn something at the same time you first find out about it.
When the Gutenberg editor was in the making they did an excellent job of covering the latest changes, features, and intricacies of the new tool. They were among the first to report about the searchable Gutenberg Block Library for example.
Thus, even if you don’t want to know about the latest news all the time – after all, the latest WordPress versions aren’t usually that exciting – you can get the nitty-gritty here without having to check out other sources.
WP Tavern is valuable for all levels of WordPress users. Some topics may sound cryptic for beginners – like the ones shown on the screenshot above – but you can simply skip them.
WP Explorer

Another go-to place for WordPress users is WP Explorer. For example, when moving hosts you may come across their simple WordPress migration guide. This one is made for beginners.
The WP Explorer Blog is located at the /blog directory. The homepage has a different focus. The site as a whole is offering much more content than on the blog.
Most importantly you can browse themes. These are often categorized and featured in lists on specific uses or niches. This will help with inspiration for setting up new sites or client work.
When dealing with customers or trying to explain something to new WordPress users you will sooner or later share links to WP Explorer. Some guides are written or for intermediate and expert users as well.
Elegant Themes

You may have heard of Elegant Themes even in case you don’t know their brand name or blog. Why? They are responsible for one of the most popular WordPress theme and page builders: Divi.
In our WordCamp Europe survey, many of the WordPress experts who took part recommended Divi as their favorite theme. It’s not just promotional language!
The blog itself is a bit hidden in the blog footer despite having a few links down there. Nonetheless, some of the most valuable WordPress resources and insights are among the treasures hidden on the island.
You will find all kinds of easy to implement pieces of advice but also very advanced guides and tutorials like the one explaining how to create a social network with WordPress. Yes. you can have your own Facebook! Take that Mark Zuckerberg!

It’s hard to know whether WPKube is “just” a blog or whether it’s more of a monthly magazine or timeless tutorial site. In any case, it’s a place you must bookmark for future reference.
They feature some very useful tutorials for common WordPress issues and solutions for problems you didn’t even know you can solve with WordPress. This way even intermediate and expert users will find something to learn here.
They also offer the standard “How to Start a Blog” introductions for new users of course. Given the clean and user-friendly design, you may as well start your WordPress journey here: they explain why WordPress is the best choice to start your online presence.

WPKlik is a group of WordPress pros gathered around a single idea-sharing professional experience and expertise in everything WordPress. The WPKlik team is made up of programming wizards, top-level designers, and content editors. On this site, you will learn about how to use WordPress features, find top theme recommendations, and get in-depth information about popular plugins.
The best part about WPKlik is the wide range of topics covered. You’ll find listicles on niche topics such as stunning WordPress themes for cosmetics websites alongside detailed instructions on how to set up Elementor anchor links. Currently, you can peruse more than 500 tutorials and blog posts.
You can also check out dozens of videos on their YouTube channel, where experts walk you through everything from adding a Favicon to your WordPress site, to cropping images in Photoshop.

Despite its name, CodeinWP is not just about coming or written for experts. Like on WPKube you can also learn how to start a blog here. What’s also similar is that Code in WP is more than just a simple blog. It’s more like a whole resources page with regular updates.
There is not even a “blog” link on the Code in WP homepage but once you arrive on a particular post you see “blog” in the post address. The articles they publish also have some fundamental blog features as they allow comments for example.
Call it what you want but make sure to remember to visit Code in WP from time to time. Whenever you need to start, optimize or grow your blog for example. One of the articles you should read is about coming up with blogging ideas by getting feedback from your audience.
A Bright Clear Web

Claire Brotherton of A Bright Clear Web is a website designer/developer focused on all things WordPress – including on her blog. Her insightful articles both make sense for starters and seasoned WordPress users.
She published an overview of image alignment with text on Gutenberg which is not as straightforward as you might expect so everyone using WordPress for content creation will sooner or later have to deal with that topic.
Even though Claire is just a single author she manages to publish high-quality resources regularly aside of her freelance work. Kudos for that. We also feature her in our list of blogging superheroes.
WP Lift

WP Lift is probably not as well known as some of the other publications with “WP” in the name despite its high content quality. It deserves more attention though.
When starting out with the new WordPress editor you will surely enjoy finding out how it works with their Gutenberg tutorial.
The how-to guides it offers are geared towards all audiences. No matter whether you just begin using WordPress or are already using it for years you can learn a lot.
Make sure to also visit both their themes and plugins directories or just visit one of the lists like this one covering blogging themes.
WP Mayor

WP Mayor is a classic multi-author blog in the best sense of it- You get almost daily new posts from a variety of established and lesser-known writers.
They cover both the basics like vs and the advanced use case you may have heard of but were afraid to try.
Their tutorial on how to create a membership community is one of those resources that a worth a read and are actionable enough to make you do it.
Blogging Wizard

Even though the Blogging Wizard blog by Adam Connell – one of our blogging superheroes – does not feature the obligatory “WP” in its name roughly half of the articles on it deal with WordPress directly while the other half deals with blogging in general, tools or techniques.
Every expertise level is welcome here. You can learn how to start a blog, how to promote and how to build an audience by email. These are the three main pillars of the Blogging Wizard approach.
You can basically spend every day of the week by reading and implementing all the advice you’ll find there. When you want to take just a single blog with to a remote island without Internet download it and work it through.
One of the core strengths of Adam Connell‘s Blogging Wizard are the tool reviews and recommendations. They always come with actionable advice you can implement like the social sharing techniques using Social Snap.
WP Buffs

You may not know the WP Buffs blog yet. It’s one of the most underrated ones it seems. One of the reasons is that their “blog” link is very well hidden in their mega footer navigation. Yet they offer both great resources, tutorials and solutions for very common WordPress issues.
For example, their way of allowing mere authors to add images to WP is a great one. As a contributing writer to third-party blogs, you will have encountered the issue more than once by now.
The WP Buffs blog is different from the other WordPress publications in this list because it’s written and published by a team of website maintainers – that is people who take care of actual WordPress sites as a service for others.
This way you have a lot of first-hand experience in one place – by people who come across the same problems over and over so they know how to fix them routinely. It’s not just bloggers testing things once or twice.

WordFence is a plugin that provides additional security for WordPress websites. It’s never wrong to get protection from attacks and timely news about potential threats.
The WordFence blog was, for example, one of the first to report the fatal vulnerability in the popular “Social Warfare” plugin. Apparently, hackers took the name literally.
Reading about security can sometimes be scary but it’s always good to know what’s going on. Luckily by now managed WordPress hosting services offer advanced security features.
When you are stuck on cheap shared hosting you may want to take more precautions and WordFence is your best friend here. They offer not just a WordPress blog but also a podcast you can listen to on top of that!
The best thing about the blog is that it is written not just for nerds. Beginners can take appropriate steps to protect themselves based on their information. In the case of “Social Warfare” it was just switching it off.
There Are More Blogs About WordPress
As mentioned above already this list is not complete by any means. You are welcome to add your favorite WordPress blogs in the comments. Why are they the best for you? What do they cover? Please tell us!
This list is also highly subjective. Other people may prefer different publications. Make sure to add them below!
In case you need more choices there are at least two great “top WordPress blogs” list to look up that feature many more blogs that ours as of now.
One best of list is from blogging superhero B.J. Keeton on Elegant Themes and it’s called “The Best WordPress Blogs to Follow in 2018” the other one has been published on WP Explorer and features many more blogs: 40+ Amazing WordPress Blogs You Should Follow.